Autumn arrives in Montcalm County Michigan – a visual tour

Autumn arrives in Montcalm County Michigan

Autumn arrives in Montcalm County Michigan. What a great time to see dynamic colors along our highways, backyards and throughout the county.

Video producers Duane Weed and Frank Krywicki are producing a documentary entitled: Discover Montcalm.  Discover Montcalm will take a deep dive into the county, touching on the past, a good look at the present and a glimpse into the future.

In this video Duane took to the air to get a unique perspective of some of the lakes and area around Whitefish and Bass Lakes in Pierson Township.  In addition looking at the Tri-County High School from Amy School Road.  A beautiful look at Autumn arrives in Montcalm County.

Follow the progress of the video documentary on our Discover Montcalm Facebook Page.

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Autumn arrives in Montcalm County Michigan Little Whitefish Lake
Little Whitefish Lake
Autumn arrives in Montcalm County Michigan Bass Lake-Big Whitefish Lake
Bass Lake-Big Whitefish Lake
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