Meet Grand Rapids Author Nathan Hickman, inspirational writer of the book ‘Take Time to-be‘. How learning to live in this moment allowed his brother to live an imperfect life, perfectly.
How could I help other people
According to Amazon, “Chad learned to walk 4 times in his lifetime and he never complained or felt sorry for himself. He pressed on with a commanding determination to succeed in whatever the new norm would become. Chad lived a life full of tragedy, unimaginable pain, setbacks. Chad didn’t see his life that way. He was grateful for what he did have and focused on what he could do.”
Grand Rapids Author Nathan Hickman was inspired by watching Chad struggle. “How could I help other people learn from this, thus enhancing their quality of life?” The result the book, ‘Take Time To-Be’ with a touch on ‘Not To-Do’!
Meet the Author series
Meet the Author series produced by Storytelling Marketer and creator of the Hero Maker Blueprint, Doug Kliewer from HeroMaker Publishing and Online Marketing 2 Success.
As your personal concierge, lifestyle manager and home watch professional Nathan can help you break free from the obstacles that keep you from living your best life.