What is the meaning of buy local? Michigan Video Storyteller Duane Weed dives into this subject with the first in a series of nine videos defining the topic of local. Buy Local Michigan produced this series with the expertise of Dr. David Hebert from Ferris State University located in Big Rapids Michigan. Dr. Hebert is an assistant professor of Economics at Ferris State.
Dr. David Hebert has a Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University, specializing in the areas of Public Finance, Public Choice, Comparative Institutional Analysis, and Non-Market Decision Making.
The meaning of buy local, how is it described? “That’s actually a difficult question. It depends on sort of who it is they were talking about”, Dr. Hebert states. . “A person in in Big Rapids for example might have buy local definition of just the 30 miles while people in Detroit making automobiles might have a buy local of the entire country. It all really depends on who it is you want to talk about and what they consider their own local economy.”
Thw meaning of buy local to a community?
- Buying local binds the community together.
- Great to know your grocer, pharmacists etc are.
There is a drawback to buying local based on some things Michigan cannot produce on their own. One of those is oranges. If we were to buy locally made oranges they probably be $20 each.
It is definitely important to recognize that the people in the community often times know what’s best for their community. So we’ll see you lots of a sort of state led efforts to improve local economy but they sometimes fail because they one-size-fits-all approach from Lansing or even Washington DC might be the wrong size for Big Rapids Michigan or Midland Michigan. It is important to have a thriving economy locally so that those people have the money that they can do the things that are valuable to those people. Buy Local Michigan is produced by DW Video and Multimedia…. where we are telling your story. Copyright 2016 For more from Dr. Hebert in this nine part series go to ‘The Meaning of Buying Local‘.