Michigan eco-friendly Asphalt Sealer that is made in Michigan and is an eco-friendly asphalt sealer manufactured by B & E Seal Coat Products Inc.

B & E Seal Coat Products, manufactures a non coal-tar eco-friendly sealer called Safe Seal™. Safe Seal™, is an asphalt emulsion that provides the benefits of sealing and protecting pavement, Driveways, Roads, Parking Lots and more without the noxious odors or other dangerous side-effects that is associated with toxic coal tar products.

Michigan eco-friendly Asphalt Sealer

Brad Anderson, owner, focuses on the contractor side and also sells retail for homeowners and the do-it-yourselfers. They are different that the box stores because Safe Seal™ is not prepackaged as B & E sells in bulk. The ‘Made in Michigan’ product is manufactured at the corner of Elizabeth and Myrtle Street in Grand Rapids Michigan.  The store is located at 1339 Elizabeth Ave NW in Grand Rapids, MI 49504.  Stop by and check out quality asphalt tools and supplies that are needed to do all the asphalt related jobs.

Michigan eco-friendly Asphalt Sealer, Safe Seal™ and all asphalt tools are shipped nationwide.  You can order via their e-commerce site.  Ideal for contractors, homeowners are do-it-yourselfers.  At Buy Local Michigan we think this is cool.  A Michigan-based company servicing the State and selling nationally.

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