Michigan  Father discusses daughters with Autism in this feature video for Buy Local Michigan.  Michigan Author James Potvin writes about what he is passionate about.  His pets and now in his latest book about his triplet daughters, two of them have autism. Buy Local Michigan host Duane Weed is pleased to bring you this emotional and informative feature story on his current book, “Autism Triplet Twist”.

So what is autism? Autism is a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.

According to Autism Speaks, “Studies also show that autism is four to five times more common among boys than girls. An estimated 1 out of 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls are diagnosed with autism in the United States.”

Autism Triplet Twist,” is a collection of true parenting survival stories inspired by our triplet daughters. James Potvin website states that if you have a child with autism or know someone who does they need to read this book. There are lessons you can apply that James and his wife share about their life. James states, “life will be calmer and your kids will be happier. We hope this book gives you hope and make some sense of the chaos of living with triplets affected by autism.”

Michigan Author discusses daughters with Autism

In our studies for this video we came across this article from the Autism Society’s website, “There is no known single cause of autism, but increased awareness and early diagnosis/intervention and access to appropriate services/supports lead to significantly improved outcomes. Some of the behaviors associated with autism include delayed learning of language; difficulty making eye contact or holding a conversation; difficulty with executive functioning, which relates to reasoning and planning; narrow, intense interests; poor motor skills’ and sensory sensitivities .”

The Adventures of Forest the Ferret and Through the eyes of Dawn are two other books Michigan Author James Potvin wrote and can be found on his websites https://jamespotvinauthor.wordpress.com/ and http://www.autismtriplettwist.com/.  You can also follow James on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/AutismTripletTwist/.

Buy Local Michigan, http://www.buylocalmichigan .us is produced by DW Video & Multimedia, LLC, http://www.dwvideo.com. Copyright 2016

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