We welcome Melissa Allen, the founder of the Michigan Mini Maker Space in the Lansing area to Buy Local Michigan Video Blog. The maker movement started because there has always been those that link to tinker. This group of people get together and help each other and share their knowledge with others.

Melissa has come up with a twist on the Maker Movement… she founded ‘The Mini-Maker Space’. The Mini Maker Space is for kids, to encourage them with their creativity to imagine, develop and build.

Encouraging kids to get involved they have ‘Make it Monday’s’. The mini-maker space has a 3D printer and have teamed with with eNable to make hands for kids that do not have hands. Through the Mini Maker Space, kids and making hands for kids.

‘Take it Apart Tuesdays’ allow kids to take apart computers, barbie dolls, cassette tapes and much more. All without getting in trouble. The encourages growth and curiosity on how things are made. Very rewarding.

At the store kids can pick up kits to build on their own. Based on the S.T.E.M. education principals: Science-Technology-Engineering and Math. These kits encourage kids with their creativity.

Located at 1982 W. Grand River Ave., Ste. 581 in Okemos, MI 48864 or call them at 517-233-1524. Visit their website at theminimaker.com.

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