Call Duane 231-937-5420 for a free consultation on how video can work for you.
Mobile video is key to reaching prospects and customers today. Most of us today are using our smart phones and other mobile devices to do searching on-line. Because of this we would rather watch a video than read a lot of text. Today we must reach the mobile customer and with video equals keeping people on your website longer.
If mobile video is not a big deal then why is Facebook spending so much time with it? According to ReelSEO, “Facebook has fired its biggest shot across the bow to YouTube, promising to innovate the platform so the site becomes the best place to watch and share videos. With more than 8 billion video views every day on Facebook, the site is taking its investment in video, mobile and advertising very seriously indeed.” Source: Mobile Video Tips & Trends » http://www.reelseo.com/video/mobile-video/#ixzz3xn5MtD7M
[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/3PB7eUGu-Ko” title=”Mobile%20Video” rel=”0″]
Here are some tips. Place a company image video on the about us page. A video profile on your key personnel on your contact us page. Video testimonials on your homepage and product videos on each of pages within your website. Wow, that is a lot of video. But lets look at something for a moment. Each page on your website now has been set up to reach that mobile customer. Draw them in, talk to them, and share your products and services.
Lets get started today! Call me at 231-205-9624 to work with you and produce these videos. One last tip, set up a blog post for each of the videos, transcribe them and use search engine friendly content to also help these pages rank.
I am excited to take Buy Local Michigan on the road and to come into your business and promote you.
Remember to buy and shop local.