Pokemon Go Marketing Tips for Michigan business and communities is covered by Michigan’s Video Storyteller Duane Weed. According to his YouTube Video Communities are benefiting by the hot spots the game is bringing people to Landmarks, Art and Businesses. A couple Pokemon Go Marketing Tips are to provide Discounts, contests, music events to bring people to your community through Pokemon Go. Michigan has so much to offer and the game is getting people out walking, sight seeing and exploring your area. Get involved. One more thing, Communities embrace the traffic and keep people safe.
More Pokemon Go Marketing tips are: Cater to the teams by providing coupons, on your social media pages give people tips and locations to draw them in, not only to your business but to your town and surround areas. According to Forbes, “If you happen to be in this lucky position to be near a PokéGym, promote the heck out of the fact that your business is at or near a gym. Players vying for control over a gym will usually need to spend at least a half hour (usually more) to battle the gym leaders enough times to gain control of the gym, so they’ll want to stay a while (and buy your products, hopefully!).
One very strong and should I say powerful Pokemon Go Marketing Tip is to have charging stations available. Ask the players to check into your business on Facebook and leave a positive review.
Forbes explains the purpose of Pokemon Go – Pokémon Go works like this; your main goal is to catch lots of Pokémon, and to catch better Pokémon, you have to go out to new and different locations. The app forces players to go out and walk around towns, cities, and neighborhoods, which means potentially increased foot traffic in your area.
Buy Local Michigan is produced by DW Video & Multimedia, LLC. Copyright 2016 Feature your Business, Community or Organization with a custom produce Michigan Spotlight video – contact Duane at the office 231-937-5420.