YouTube VideosMinutes watched for ranking Michigan YouTube Videos is important for search engines.  Sharing your video content and setting up a team to watch your videos in their entirety is a great tip for ranking of your YouTube Videos.

In a previous video I covered the importance of optimizing your video(s) for YouTube. The steps mentioned are important, but having people watch your video all the way to end is another factor search engines want to see. How do you do this? Set up a team to help you.

Here is what you do once the video is ‘live’ on YouTube. Get your friends, colleagues, associates to go and watch the video all the way to the end.  Side note: There is no promise this tip will automatically rank your videos. Search Engines are a pay to play business. You, however need to do all you can to set up your videos to rank organically or naturally before you begin putting money toward it.  Ranking Michigan YouTube Videos is going to be a team effort and one you need to control as you are starting out.

[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Minutes%20watched%20for%20ranking%20YouTube%20Videos” rel=”0″]

Reel SEO has a great article on this topic that states, “The amount of time in aggregate that your viewers are watching your videos…” The articel goes on to say, “How much time a viewer has watched a video(s), measured in actual minutes and seconds.” This does not mean the longer the video the better the ranking. So many factors, read the article.  According to Cnet, “creators will be rewarded for actually getting viewers to watch the whole video.”  And,, says it this way, “One of the top factors that YouTube takes into consideration when ranking your video is the idea of retention. Video retention is the amount of the video that users watch before either leaving the video page or clicking the pause/stop button.”

Before I forget, when your personal network watches the videos, have them like it on YouTube and even more post a positive comment. Minutes viewed is so important.

At DW Video and Buy Local Michigan we are ready to help tell your story and we are excited to take our Buy Local Michigan video blog on the road to promote your Michigan Business. Call me at 231-937-5420 to book your video shoot today.  Remember to buy and shop local.

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